What to Post on Social Media as a Vegan Hospitality Consultant

Are you a vegan hospitality consultant and ready to help restaurants successfully cater to more vegan guests? Social media is an excellent tool for showcasing your services, educating your target market, and connecting with potential clients. Here are our best tips for boosting your instagram content and engagement as a vegan hospitality consultant:

  1. Showcase Success Stories: Share before-and-after stories of restaurants that have successfully implemented vegan-friendly options. Include photos of their delicious plant-based dishes and highlight the positive feedback they've received from customers. You can get these success stories from your own clients, or from interviewing successful vegan friendly businesses in your neighborhood, or even from case studies you see in the news.

  2. Expert Tips: Share tips and insights from your experience as a vegan consultant. Offer advice on how restaurants can create vegan-friendly menus, source vegan ingredients, and cater to different dietary preferences. You can get inspiration from Vegan Hospitality’s instagram posts or from following consultant instagram accounts. Remember to write at the top of your post “content inspired by @ and whichever account inspired you.”

  3. Ingredient Spotlights: Highlight various vegan ingredients and their benefits. Educate your audience about the versatility and nutritional value of plant-based foods, and suggest ways restaurants can incorporate these ingredients into their dishes. Go above and beyond by actually tagging restaurants in your community that could benefit from this information. For example, tag pizzerias in a post about vegan cheese. 

  4. Seasonal Vegan Recipes: Share seasonal vegan recipes that restaurants can offer as specials. Include mouth-watering photos and step-by-step instructions to inspire chefs and encourage them to experiment with plant-based cuisine. Pro tip: Tag chefs you think would be interested, or even “challenge” chefs to try it!

  5. Local Partnerships: Collaborate with local vegan-friendly businesses, such as vegan bakeries or food suppliers. Promote their products or services and showcase how restaurants can collaborate with them to enhance their vegan offerings.

  6. Behind-the-Scenes: Offer a glimpse into your consulting process. Share photos or videos of you working with restaurant owners and chefs, conducting menu evaluations, or providing training sessions. This helps build trust and shows the value of your services. If you are just starting out, you can share behind the scenes of your preparations for setting up your services or assessing the need in your community. Take photos of yourself at restaurants, in front of restaurants, or film yourself walking through popular streets or malls in your city. Ask your community where they would like to see more vegan options, and follow their lead!

  7. Customer Testimonials: Request testimonials from satisfied restaurant owners, chefs, or customers who have enjoyed vegan dishes at the restaurants you've worked with. Share their positive feedback to build credibility and encourage others to consider vegan-friendly options. You can take these testimonials straight from reviews on tripadvisor, google, yelp, etc.

  8. Educational Content: Create informative posts about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle, the environmental impact of animal agriculture, and the health benefits of plant-based diets. Write these from the “vegan customer perspective.”

  9. Q&A Sessions: Host live Q&A sessions on social media platforms where you answer questions from restaurant owners or anyone interested in vegan-friendly options. This interactive format allows you to engage with your audience directly and provide personalized guidance. You can also host this in a webinar format and request rsvps. Consider partnering on activities like this with other consultants in your region. It’s more fun when you have a team!

  10. Collaboration with Influencers: Partner with vegan influencers or local food bloggers who align with your values. Have them share their experiences dining at vegan-friendly restaurants or provide reviews of the restaurants you've helped, amplifying your reach and credibility.

Remember to use visually appealing images (well lit, colorful, with people when possible!), compelling captions, and relevant hashtags in your posts to increase their visibility and engagement. Adapt these ideas to suit your brand's voice and style (for example, if it’s just you on your team then use the “I” instead of the “we” to keep it personal and honest), and stay consistent with your messaging to establish yourself as a go-to resource for vegan consulting services in your community.

Curious how to get started on LinkedIn as a vegan hospitality consultant? Read the article from our COO Hayley: How to Use LinkedIn as a Vegan Hospitality Consultant.

This article was written by our CEO Meredith Marin, who teaches our Vegan Hospitality Consultant Training Program. (Click the page to learn more and apply!)